Journey Within

self study series

The Journey Within course was created for those who are looking for a safe process to be guided into their inner world.

The materials in this course will give you tools to help you reclaim your energy, support your body and nervous system to find more balance, tune into the effects of trauma and create more space for your unique energy to flow through your body with more clarity.

This series is also meant to support you in expanding the idea of the ‘shadow’. A shadow is simply hidden information that hasn’t been made conscious yet and lies just beneath the surface of your awareness.

We’ll work with the healing nature of the myth of the underworld journey and you’ll be guided to descend into your inner world to deepen your relationship with you.  

The curriculum is created with the intention to:

>> bring you home to your body and your unique core essence

>> connect you more clearly to your inner wisdom

>> strengthen your sense of connection to your creative life force energy

The process is an interdisciplinary approach to healing that puts both the body and the subconscious at the center of the healing process, supporting you with: guided meditation, energy healing practices, and somatic based trauma informed exercises. All of the tools in this course will encourage you to participate in active body centered healing practices.

The Curriculum

You will receive access to a course portal with:

  • This guide will walk you through each stage of this course.

    It will support you in expanding the idea of the ‘shadow’. A shadow, in the context of this course series, is simply hidden information that hasn’t been made conscious yet and lies just beneath the surface of your awareness.

    Through this guide you’ll work with the healing nature of the myth of the underworld journey in order to descend into your inner world to deepen your relationship with you.

    The guide also includes journal prompts, an introductory guide to somatic trauma awareness and book recommendations.

  • Stored in our bodies are: Ancestral codes. Beliefs. Pain patterns. Inherited and lived trauma. Any of which can become a limitation or a possibility to expand.

    This guide is a ‘coloring book’ to help you map the sensations stored in your body from these imprinted histories through the use of symbols, elements, and textures.

    The journal prompts included will help you to tune into memory, story, sensation, awareness, injury, illness (etc) present in the body and energy field.

  • This worksheet will help you track and map your identity. You’ll reflect on what has made you who you are today so that you can get a bird’s eye view of the influences that have created you.

  • Coming Home Practice for Grounding + Clearing

    This energy clearing and nourishment practice will support you to call your energy home and back into the present moment. It will support you to clarify your energy, connect to yourself and find grounding.

    Somatic Scan for Body Awareness

    This somatic body scan supports you to deepen your mind-body connection and find grounding in times of feeling disconnected or in states of stress. This practice will help you to build body awareness and release tension by mindfully exploring your current physical state.

    Alchemical Self-Care

    True self-care is developing the ability to shift your own energy from within. Through somatic guidance, this practice will take you on an alchemical journey to meet your energy where it’s at in order to change states of dense and stuck energy.

All materials are downloadable.

This curriculum offers you tools and methods for guidance to take your healing journey deeper. It is not intended to be psychological or medical advice, nor does it look at as healing as a process to ‘fix’ something wrong. 

Upon purchase you’ll receive access to a password protected webpage that houses all course materials. All purchases are final.


learn more about my approach

Over the years of attending workshops, trainings, travels and working with students and clients I have formulated my own healing and energetic alignment techniques that have been shaped by my experiences and endless self-imposed research.

Concepts and methods you will work with while taking this course come from my training in energy healing practices, breathwork, bodywork, somatic trauma therapy approaches, nervous system support tools and years spent working with embodiment practices in arts education, movement and the performing arts.